Monday, November 26, 2007

Locking DanceTutorial for beginners

Neat for beginners!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Knee Glide - we're back =) If you need any help with this move, please join This is a popping move, originally performed by Hyun Joon.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Get Ya- Hyori Lee

This is a tutorial for the dance that goes alogn with Hyori Lee's "Get Ya." All I did was slow it down by half and flip it over horizontally (so that it's a mirror image when you look at it). GOOD LUCK LEARNING!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Spin Dance Tutorial

this is my first tutorial vid! it is on how to spin and it covers the basic footwork involving a spin! in this tutorial you will learn how to do 3 spins! 2 of which are 360 degree spins and one 720! these are the very basics of spinning.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

5 Way Cwalk {SW}

Here we go again, cwalk 5 way. Street WalkaZ {SW}

Monday, November 5, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007